Dowsing, the discipline that helps to capture energy
May 03, 2023
What might happen if one realizes that he or she may have the ability to sharpen his or her intuitive and sensitive abilities to detect disease, get accurate measurements of places with water, find people, and even perceive notions of the future?
Dowsing is understood as the ability of people and animals to perceive radiations and energies. The knowledge of the Universe is found in oneself, and dowsing helps to get closer to it. Being criticized by scholars, dowsing should not be left aside and it is necessary to promote rigorous analysis of it in order to transform it from an art to a science.
Dowsing is not an accumulation of magical processes: it is the result of a series of methodical practices that promote the use of sensory powers that are still unknown to many people.
The western world has promoted rationality and the use of the left hemisphere, in charge of the logical-mathematical processes that take place in the mind; unfortunately, this has not allowed the development of the right hemisphere, which can stimulate perception and intuition. Dowsing can be put into practice when the discipline of these faculties is encouraged.
Dowsing can make the unconscious conscious; an example of the relevance of this process is Sigmund Freud's Psychoanalysis, which was also attacked on the grounds that its scientific rigor was null and void, denying access to many people to heal disorders that afflicted their minds and determined their behaviors in a way that made them unhappy.
The most famous instruments for exploring this facet of human knowledge are dowsing rods and pendulums. Both artifacts are used because they have an attunement to the energy and magnetism that haunt the spaces, but are not perceptible to the eye.
WAOPlanet offers a variety of dowsing tools such as dowsing rods and eight types of pendulums, as well as alchemy, sacred geometry and frequency healing items.
The promotion of dowsing is essential for a complete, integral and fulfilling physical, mental and spiritual life. The methods for learning dowsing discipline are varied, but all prove that faith and commitment bring enormous miraculous results.