If you're going to drink coffee, think twice Save
May 04, 2023
Written by: Carlos R. Casillas
Caffeine is the most popularized stimulant of these times, we all know it and many people participate in the "coffee culture" almost in a "ritual" way with a very strong social component. A large number of people consume caffeine or theine on a daily basis due to the many benefits that have been attributed to it and for its stimulant effect;
But it is very important to remind you of its harmful effects, both physical and spiritual, mainly because it is an addictive substance. Yes, believe it or not, it generates a particular state of mind that becomes a habit, then, the mind and body make believe that they need this stimulus to be able to perform their daily activities. This effect has made coffee shops the busiest businesses.
You are probably one of many people whose first action in the morning is to drink a cup of coffee; which may seem like a good habit because it is usually an easy way to wake up and activate the brain; but the truth is that this is a very bad idea, especially if you are on an empty stomach. Here's why.
Your stomach contains hydrochloric acid and this, at the right level, is a great ally in the digestion of food. The body should maintain a pH of 7.4 being neutral on a scale of 0 to 14, where the lower it becomes acidic and the higher, it is alkaline. Coffee has a score of 5, therefore, it is acidic;
If you drink a cup of coffee on an empty stomach, you are adding more acid to your body and stomach;
Now imagine the daily wear and tear you generate to the mucosa that protects the stomach and, in turn, the entire digestive system. Sooner or later, this can lead to conditions such as heartburn, gastritis, irritable bowel syndrome or ulcers;
For this reason, some currents consider that coffee in excess is not good for health, since it becomes a source of acidity for the body, which is related to cellular aging and degenerative diseases, and even cancer.
Although it has not been proven that caffeine is directly responsible for the dehydration of the body, it is known to have immediate diuretic effects. Consequently, the body releases much more liquid than it would normally release and, if the person is not used to drinking a lot of water, this can cause symptoms of dehydration and even damage the kidneys.
The first affectation that occurs in the body is visible in the skin, since it acquires a dry, deteriorated and wrinkle-prone appearance due to lack of hydration. In addition, caffeine, being a diuretic, can be irritating for the urinary tract and generate infections in these ducts, as well as in the kidneys.
Drinking a lot of coffee can interfere in the absorption of calcium, so another possible effect is to favor osteoporosis, especially if the consumption is prolonged, continuous and abundant.
Today, it is believed that caffeine is necessary for exercise and that it provides sufficient energy to perform activities. Adding caffeine to sports supplements has become an irresponsible fad;
What happens is that an excess of caffeine can cause spasms at a muscular level, while abstinence can generate symptoms of muscular pain. Results totally opposite to the effects that we would like to obtain from a healthy sports practice.
Drinking coffee, tea and other caffeinated beverages can affect the synthesis of serotonin (neurotransmitter that helps neuronal connection and mood balance), since caffeine stimulates the production of substances such as: adrenaline, known as "the hormone of activation", and cortisol, "the hormone of stress". Both substances are natural responses of the organism in situations of danger where it is required to act and enter into a state of alertness: they are survival mechanisms;
These are the reasons why we feel active and with quick brain response for a moment, but they are still harmful substances for the body at high and continuous levels in states where there is no real emergency, causing stress, physical and mental exhaustion. If someone has already taken caffeine and suddenly a real stressful situation occurs, the body will receive a higher dose of adrenaline and cortisol, damaging even more the whole body;
Therefore, by drinking a lot of coffee we favor a state of excitement due to an excess of cortisol and adrenaline, anxiety and depression due to low serotonin, that is, we create an explosive cocktail of restlessness, nerves, turbulence and weakness; it is not the best omen to start the day, especially in cities or stressful jobs;
The highest levels of caffeine in our bloodstream appear one or two hours after ingestion, with a sudden increase in blood pressure. This is especially risky for people suffering from hypertension problems or heart-related weaknesses: an excess of caffeine can cause irregular and faster heartbeats, and even shortness of breath. For these reasons, it is not recommended; in any case, a doctor should be consulted.
In addition, caffeine is linked to mood swings. It is true that coffee can give a boost of energy at the beginning but, as the rule goes: everything that goes up must come down. Many consumers report that they tend to go from joy and optimism to anxiety, depressive states, irritability and stress after a while.
Sudden mood swings occur once the stimulant effect wears off, i.e., two to four hours after consumption. This is because the substance decreases the blood supply to the brain, which considerably affects memory and mental alertness. This decrease produces a consumption loop, in which people require more and more caffeine to get through their day and maintain that initial euphoria;
Now, there is one thing that almost no one has understood about caffeine. Because it is a nervous system stimulant, it alters our perception of reality and directly affects our intuition. You see, intuition (or divine guidance) is that which helps us understand what is the right path to follow in our lives. If we listen to intuition, we get the best results from each of our actions, since intuition is the guidance of our higher self and life mission. However, nowadays, all the mental noise, work stress and strong stimulants such as sugars and caffeine, progressively alter the message of our intuition, so many people have even stopped listening to it. For this reason, people are more and more confused about their life purpose, they do not know what to do or what are the best decisions to make. Ah! But they do go to a coffee shop to think about what to do and, while they do it, they drink several cups of coffee to keep on stimulating themselves, silencing their intuition even more.
Ignorantly, it is often believed that the solution to problems is outside and that is why stimulants are used to plug or fill gaps instead of removing the stimulants, learning to quiet the mind and learning to feel the inner call through one's intuition;
Within each one of us are the answers to everything we need to know. That is why it is said that "caffeine takes us away from our divine essence";
Having said that, I am not asking you to cut coffee out or to give it up forever (which would be ideal), but I invite you to drink it with respect. Different researches have analyzed the ideal times to drink coffee and all agree that, if you eat a substantial and nutritious breakfast, you can enjoy your coffee between 8 and 12 o'clock occasionally, always avoiding turning it into a habit;
My recommendation, In Consciousness, is that, if you are really looking to have your own energy and capabilities to the fullest without depending on a substance, and also want to keep your nervous system at its full potential so you can listen to your intuition in the best way, follow your calling and your life purpose, avoid giving caffeine to your body.
If you are not yet ready to give it up completely, never generate the belief of guilt by consuming it, or feel that you behaved badly, that attitude only generates heavy emotional burdens that could damage you morally in the long run; better learn to choose and enjoy responsibly and in full awareness what you consume, knowing the consequences for your body;
As you know, there are other alternatives that elevate our energy in the body and fulfill the function of energizing you;
Drinking water with lemon and a pinch of baking soda on an empty stomach is a very good habit that will give you energy, improve your health and give you an alkaline pH (very positive for your body) or a good fruit juice that will provide glucose and this is energy for your day.
Also, remember that music is a great way to elevate your vibrations. You can choose to wake up with a good song or melody that gives you energy and that "punch" to start your day full of excitement and happiness;
As I mentioned, caffeine can be addictive, which means that if you choose to quit, it can complicate withdrawal. So, maybe without your daily cup of coffee, your day will probably start with feelings of anger, irritation, anxiety and even headache (classic withdrawal symptoms); but in 2 or 3 days, the symptoms will disappear and you will restore your personal energy. I tell you this from experience, but just like me, you can too!
Sincerely yours,
Carlos R. Casillas and from my heart to yours, receive all my blessings.